Hey Ya’ll, it’s the Sneezys again…Rachel, Emelio, Carly, Pheobe, Ella-Chase, Zachary, Matthew, Abby, Grant and Corbin coming at you on the road in Wyoming traveling from Yellowstone to Cody!
This morning we had another early morning of getting woken up by the wonderful Ms. V in time to see the sunrise over Bear Lake. We headed onto the road where everyone was sound asleep until the first stop. After our stop in Wyoming, we had a wonderful breakfast of cereal and apples! We got to choose between apple jax, fruit loops, and frosted flakes- so yummy! On the way to Jackson Hole, we picked a hitchhiker also known as Grant Deaton. We then made it to Jackson Hole where we gathered for a group picture under the elk antler arch. We heard research on Jackson Hole and the Grand Tetons by Evan and Riley. We then made a group trip to a giftshop and from there everyone had about an hour and a half to explore the beautiful town of Jackson Hole! Lots of people sat down to eat while others got a to-go lunch in order to spend the most amount in the town that they could eating breakfast sandwiches, Bison Burgers, and unique grilled cheese! After exploring the wonderful area, we hopped back on the bus to head to see the Grand Tetons! We saw a beautiful chapel with the most magnificent view of the Grand Tetons, that everyone will remember forever. After spending some time in the beautiful chapel with each other, we then headed off to Yellowstone National Park! We had a little bit of free time to spend in the giftshop where many took advantage of the opportunity to buy gifts for loved ones. We all walked to Old Faithful, one of the most popular geysers in all of Yellowstone. After a lot of anticipation, the geyser erupted and was definitely worth the wait. We hopped on the bus for another quick drive where we went to the Pained Pot area. We even had our very own ranger known as “Ranger Kevin” who specialized in all things Yellowstone give us a personal tour. He was very in-depth on the Painted Pot area in his very patriotic uniform, teaching us all kinds of new things. We then learned all kinds of new things with research from Rachel on Old Faithful, Phoebe on the state of Wyoming, and Tripp on Yellowstone! After the wonderful tour, we had dinner of cheese and ham sandwiches on the road to Cody. We then traveled to the Little Grand Canyon for a short period of time where we got to see a huge waterfall and it was beautiful, but it was littler than the actual Grand Canyon which we got to explore earlier in our trip. As of right now we are on the road heading to Cody, Wyoming. We have a busy day ahead tomorrow as we white water raft and then going to a rodeo in the evening!! For the last time, Sneezys out!
We love the Appalachian Mountains but the Tetons are hard to beat!
Ms. Beautiful is a fabulous tour guide of Yellowstone National Park!