Day 20- Kansas

Day 20: Kansas 

    HEY EVERYONE!! Last but not least, it’s the Grumpy’s here: Sentrelle Graves, Bailey Allen, Harris Wilkinson, Abby Mitchell, Riley Brennan, Maggie Bassinger, Tripp Current, Henry Eisenhuth, Sarah Felton, and Libby Shaw checking in from Kansas!

    Yesterday we were able to sleep in until 7am and we were sooo happy!! The first stop of the day was a driving tour of the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs, where we got to see the beautiful red rock and the famous kissing camels that can be found on the mountain side!
    We stopped at Walmart to get lots of snacks for our long road trip ahead. Everyone got their 4th of July accessories which was super awesome. Of course, we couldn’t forget our Colorado souvenirs as well!!!!!! We had everyone’s favorite breakfast: muffins with choices of chocolate chip, blueberry, and banana nut!

After entering the one and only Kansas we first stopped at the Kansas welcome center! Here we were greeted with nice and clean restrooms, beautiful art pieces and pictures of sunflowers and the Kansas countryside, and of course The Wizard of Oz was everywhere!

After we left the exit center, we drove for a few miles to Fike Park in Colby, Kansas and had a team competition! We didn’t know what it was until we lined up and they brought out the balloons. It was a relay where 1 person was standing across from the rest of their group and one by one, the others in the group had to go and pop a balloon in between themselves as quickly as possible. We had a ton of fun with this and of course the competition was fierce!

After the contest, we had a four-course gourmet meal for lunch: Ham and Cheese sandwiches (Hold the Mayo and/or Mustard), apples, pretzels, and cookies for dessert. Then the van hit a bump in the road (not literally) but don’t fear, Jake, Stetson and Charlie helped before it became an issue and replaced the van tire for precautionary reasons to keep us safe for the rest of our trip!

On the bus and van there was a lot of napping and snacking including: Maggie with her Starbuck’s French vanilla double shot and pineapple, Bailey with her Nutella biscuits, pop tarts and yogurt, Harris with his box of Fruity Pebbles, Abby with her mini bites and pretzels, and Riley with his cherry vanilla Coke. The bus got to watch Top Gun as we were driving through Kansas. We also made it back to central time zone so we’re only 1 hour behind from home!

We got to Tuttle Creek around 9:30 and the Sneezy’s made walking tacos for dinner (second best walking tacos made for the trip, spot number 1 being taken by yours truly). Except for the handful who washed their hair in the spicket, everyone went straight to bed instead of showering because it was late, and we were all tired from a day full of adventure!

Goodnight! Tomorrow we are headed to Missouri to ride the Archway to the West!

Our view of Garden of the Gods from our driving tour!

Colorado Spring or Mars?

Balanced Rock and the Sinking Ship!

Walmart time! Our Sneezy cooks buying breakfast and lunch!

Welcome to Kansas!

Competition time!

Time to clean up! We always try to leave it better than we found it!

Our tire changing experts on the job! We decided to replace the van tire out of precaution!